I just want to shout out a BIG thank you to my very talented German friend, Judith! She made all the graphics in the fic! Thanx girl they are awesome!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Chapter 77

“Girl I can soooo slap you right now!” irritation flashed in Holly’s eyes but Ciara wasn’t fazed.

“Why don’t you do it then? I’m not as carefree as you Holly and after years of friendship I would have hoped that you know it by now. I cant just pack up and leave, besides we don’t even know the man, what if he is pulling a stunt on us?”

“You need to seriously loosen up girl. You are young, beautiful and single what holds you back?”

“My cat?”

An unwomanly snort grated from across the table.

“Arrghh please give me a break! You think I cant fill a bowl with some kibble?”

“I didn’t say that...look, can we just drop the subject. I’m NOT going on tour with a rockband and thats final.”


“I offered her a job.” Dave’s shiny blue depths matched his excitement.

“Who?” Jon’s disinterested face looked up from the hordes of photos he was signing.

“The girl man, what’s her name? Ciara.”

Cold air suddenly whisps through the room and Dave found himself staring into the coldest, cruellest eyes.

“What the fuck were you doing at her place? Who gave you fucking permission to interfere in my business?”

A flash of searing jealousy simmered in Jon’s core.

“Someone had to do something. You cant get this girl outta ya head, so I thought....”

“Dont think David!” Jon was roaring.

“Fuck you Jon. I did this for you man. You need to exorcise this thing you have for her so we can get on with our lives. Having her close and seeing that she is nothing special might just do the trick, but that’s me.” He spun on his heel and walked out, feeling the cold eyes boring into his back and frankly, not giving a damn.

Jon’s ass hit the chair. A surge of anticipation crawled into his veins. Why haven’t he thought of that? Luring her closer, having her with him day and night ... a pulse hardened his shaft instantly, gums ached as his fangs forced past the soft flesh, feeding off the vivid images of him entwined in the arms of a green eyed angel..


Ciara stared at the article stretched across her pc screen. New Jersey huh? She can recall a few songs of them over the years, not bad, not bad at all. It says here they disappeared from the public eye for a few years and now they are back with a vengeance...what’s with that?

A giggle slipped from her lips. Who am I kidding? What am I, little miss prude going to do with a rockband?

The hair on the back of her neck stood up in attention, shaking the cold fingers from her spine, she closed the picture. That was enough for one night!

She pushed from the table just to sag into a heap on the floor, her knees slamming onto the cold, unrelenting tiles.

Flashes of stage lights, guitars and screaming fans pierced through her mind.

What is this!?

Easing her breathing to a slow deep rhythm, she waited it out, these flashes don’t last long.....just breathe Ciara...breathe.

Pushing up on wobbly legs a few moments later, Ciara stumbled towards the kitchen. She was shaking all over, her body bathed in an icy shiver. Her throat was parched, her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth.

With shaky fingers, she stirred her third teaspoon of sugar into the steamy mug. She was craving sugar, anything wet and sweet, not necessarily in that order.


Jon took a deep breath, fighting his way out of yet another attack of Ciara’s muddled emotions.

By the look of it, she was experiencing some serious emotional breakdowns these last couple of weeks.

He wanted to go to her, soothing the fears that woke her in the middle of the night whimpering like a lost child but Jon knew how it would end, him taking more than what was needed. He couldn’t risk it, he won’t allow it.

Sliding open his phone, he punched quick dial, waiting for Dave’s voice on the other side.

“Hey Joker. Tell me, any calls yet? Oh...ok..yeah...thanks.”


Was she going to pass this up?! He couldn’t allow it, he needed her with him, forever. What the hell was he saying?! This wasn’t a damn fairytale! This was as shitty and real as life can get! She was her own but...

Jon jumped up, pacing the room he knew what he wanted was just...primal. He couldn’t just take her as his own, she was nobody’s possession! Damn it but he wanted her to be his, his own!

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